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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Join Global Day of Protest - Stop China's Reclamations in the Philippine Territory

We, the undersigned, call on the People's Republic of China to respect the international laws of the sea, and Philippine Sovereignty over the Scarborough Shoal.
Scarborough Shoal (or Bajo de Masinloc) is only 124 nautical miles from Masinloc town in Zambales, Philippines, but is 500 nautical miles away from Hainan, the nearest province of China.
We are against any acts of aggression or violence by any and all countries involved in this standoff. We believe that a resolution based on mutual respect and good will can be achieved.
By signing this petition, we stand with peoples from around the world who believe in freedom and the right of every sovereign nation to protect its resources and boundaries. Scarborough Shoal has always been, and always will be -- part of Philippine Territory and under Philippine Sovereignty!


O Lord God of Power and Mercy, You are our Father, Who created the world and have established the order which governs all nations.  Help us to preserve peace in Asia, as You have given all men and women one common origin.
Bring all Asian nations together in one family and inspire their leaders to work without ceasing for that Justice which brings true and lasting Peace.
Help our leaders and legislators to destroy war and to banish violence from our midst, and wipe away our fears and tears that we may all deserve to be called Your sons and daughters.
Lord God, You are the Maker and Lover of peace.  To know You is to live and to serve You is to reign.  All our faith is in Your saving grace.  Protect us from people of violence and keep us safe from weapons of hate.
Because You love all men and women of all nations on earth, look with mercy on us and send Your Spirit into our hearts.  We entreat You to grant Your Wisdom particularly to our countries which are in Southeast Asia, troubled with territorial disputes due to the billion barrels of oil and natural gas under its waters.  Therefore, under Your guidance, we would establish Your law of Justice and Peace in Asia.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives, and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  AMEN.
By:  Most Rev. Arturo M. Bastes, SVD
Bishop of Sorsogon
(as requested by Loida Nicolas-Lewis)


Loving Lord, Almighty God!
We are Your noble race, Your chosen people,  Your own Pearl of the Orient.
We thank You for all Your blessings,  especially Your gift of precious and rich natural resources.
Protect us from the snares of our enemies and keep them away from us.
Enable us to solve our differences with our neighbors peacefully and justly, according to international law, and based on Your Divine Law of Justice and Truth.
Most of all, give us the courage to rebuke and stand against the taunting threats of the enemy, and to fight any invaders who dare trample our sacred shores.
In the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Because the Lord God helps us, Let us not be dismayed.
Let us set our face like flint to do His will, and we know that we shall triumph.”
Let us all say, Amen!
By: Dr. Angie Cruz
Founder, Spirituality in the Workplace

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